"Moving and poignant…. As though I were personally experiencing the sights and the pain. Powerful!"
--Rama Burshtein
"The film succeeds in bringing together existence and void…. Sadly, we, too, are part of this film."
--Ruti Fogel's HYD parents
"With G-d's help, a huge yasher koach. [This film] is a huge credit to the spirit of Gush Katif, its bravery and humbleness. Torah and true Zionism come from unity in holiness."
--Rav Elisha Vishlitzky
"A powerful film. It's important to develop a dialogue afterward. Yishar koach."
--Mati Ben Moshe, Jerusalem
We experienced the pain of the uprooting once again! As well as the personal frustration over whether we'd done enough to try and prevent the terrible tragedy.
We consider this film to be very important. The fact that it's told through the eyes of three women, a boy, and the teenager filming it, gives it a human perspective and a special point of view.
The huge tragedy receives a human dimension! There's no doubt that this is a historic document that only with the passing of time will we be able to fully appreciate its immense significance.
It is imperative that this film be distributed in all schools for citizenship class. Additionally, it should be available to all Jewish communities throughout the world. We'd be glad to help anyway we can."
--Miriam and Arie Friedler
"The issues in this film are very powerful, especially as they're told from the female point of view. One generally imagines these events to be violent and forceful, but I found quietness and gentleness. The term 'home' is depicted here, including the search for it on a philosophical level. I believe this film speaks to everyone, the topic is universal. The view was of course different and refreshing."
-- A viewer
I'm writing to you, because I also find this subject very meaningful, but from a different angle.
Regarding the film: you did a very nice job. It's personal but lacks complexity because it was filmed by such a young girl. This is understandable. It's very well done!
I'm talking about something else: it's my understanding that the Katif Center needs to be the organization that awakens the Israeli public to question how such a cruel and absurd thing happened. Everyone participated: the army, the journalists. Where was the nation?!
This is the primary question, and it's a practical one. We need to deal with it so as to learn for the future. Research presented properly (as a film or presentation) is the only way to showcase these questions and answers.
This is our society's fundamental obligation and our historic mission.
It's a difficult mission! This can be seen from the fact that despite the many discussions about the Holocaust, this question has never been presented to the public.
I'm willing to do my best to advance this matter.
With my blessings and Yasher Koach"
--Avraham Da –han
"Thank you, and especially the director whose film moved us so. We were pleased to meet people from Netzarim that we knew from happier times."
--Rachel Aliash
"Dear friends!
I greatly enjoyed this charming film made by the talented Sternberg girls and produced by the diligent Dvori. Thank you for having had the merit to participate in this event, and hear empowering speeches from Yehudit Pasal, Shlomi Kostiner and Rav Tawil. Blessed am I for having merited being a [small] part of the Netzarim community that increases love and peace in the world."
--Dr. Chana Katan
"Just to say that it was moving and touching and crazy. We left with tears in our eyes and easily identified ourselves. You're all so talented. Thank you for it."
--Shira Haggaiel
"Dear artists.
We wish to thank you for this poignant meeting. I asked the girls how it was.
They said: How did they know they enjoyed it? Because they discussed it all night long. That means it moved us. Your speech was powerful. Charismatic. Each one in her own way. You awakened in us inspiration, humility, faith and trust in G-d, and love for art. From a Torah point of view which includes love of the Land. We learned what it means to live meaningful Israeli lives. May you continue to see success and growth, keep in touch."
--Limor Levkowitz Levan, Educational Director Kfar Pines Religious Girls' High-School
"The film was very moving. The sadness and the separation were evident in it and in the audience. So much pain. Many existential questions, of faith… and the human spirit that is alive, and moving and unbeatable again and again and again. It was a very special experience."
--A viewer